1. Students are responsible for their conduct to the Principal and are prohibited from doing anything, either inside or outside the College, that will amount to a breach of discipline or interference in the normal working of the College. A student shall be liable to disciplinary action for any act of indiscipline. Disciplinary action may involve warning and/or suspension from classes, from the examinations, from the College Library or even from the College, or any such action as provided for in Ordinance XV (B), XV (C) and XV (D) of the Rules of Discipline of the University of Delhi.

2. Students shall conduct themselves in a civil and dignified manner, and desist from offensive behaviour towards any section of the college community. Uncivil behaviour and/or language shall be sternly dealt with. Any act of violence, ragging and any form of sexual harassment will invite severe punishment. Complaints regarding the above may be directed to the Principal, the Proctor or any member of the Proctorial Committee.

3. Students shall maintain perfect silence in class rooms and desist from disorderly behaviour. They must not loiter in the corridors or in front of class rooms or office rooms. During their free periods, students are advised to work in the Library or Reading Room, or spend time in the Common Room, without causing any disturbance whatsoever. Smoking in the College premises is an offence and is strictly prohibited.

4. Students shall take proper care of the College furniture and fixtures. They must not cause any damage to the College property. The College has lovely lawns/gardens. Students should take good care of them.

5. Students are not allowed to park their cars in the College premises (including the parking space). Students may park their two-wheelers in the parking space provided for this purpose. No bicycle, scooter or motorcycle should be parked in any other part of the College premises.

6. No society shall be formed in the College without the prior permission of the Principal, nor shall any person be invited to address a meeting in the College without the prior permission of the Principal.

7. Students suffering from any contagious or infectious disease should not attend College.

8. Names of students who absent themselves regularly from classes may be struck off the College Rolls.